June 7 – Sleeping places

June 7th, 2009 by cathy

We went to Fairport Canal Days today and we did a ton of walking… at least it felt that way. If I didn’t have family to help corral Jack, I don’t know what I would have done. Anyway, since I was carrying Leila in her sack, I really couldn’t take pictures, and by the time we came home and ate dinner, we were all completely out (the beer didn’t hurt either). Tonight I give you sleeping places! These photos aren’t nearly as good as some of the other ones because I just used the point and shoot because it was faster than the SLR (sorry Jeff). BTW, the blanket surrounding Leila isn’t actually where she sleeps. I know better than to put blankets on her bed. We actually have something that sits in the middle of the bed that she sleeps in… for now. I can’t wait to have more space in the bed again. Of course, I also can’t wait until she sleeps through the night.




A couple things of note about the Jack pictures:
1) The smallest crocodile was a big brother gift from one of my lovely co-workers. He calls that one “Martin Toody”. Please don’t ask me why. I have no idea what goes on in the mind of a four year old boy. I think the big long one’s name is Frank, but I could be mistaken. My husband would know.
2) Yes, that purple is the color of his room. His favorite color is purple and we let him choose what color he wanted.
That’s my son for you. Two of his favorite things are purple and crocodiles. Who am I to judge?



June 6 – Brotherly Love

June 6th, 2009 by cathy

Jack sure does love his sister!





I don’t know if she’s to sure what to make of him…


And in other news Jack has a Tinkerbell tattoo! My macho little man! 🙂



June 5 – In a fish’s eye

June 5th, 2009 by cathy

I spent a bit of time today with Leila just watching her and taking pictures. The lighting was nice and she kept her eyes on me for a while, so it was really hard to chose just a couple (obviously). Jeff will no doubt tease me for using so many, but pish posh. There are a couple that I took using a fish eye, witch should be fairly obvious. 🙂








These Jack pictures were all taken with the fisheye lens. In the second photo, Jeff thinks that Jack looks like he’s had one too many drinks.




June 3 – Singing Fruit

June 4th, 2009 by cathy

I can’t wait until Leila’s a bit less of a lump. An adorable lump, but a lump none the less.



Jack, on the other hand, is a blast. 🙂




June 3 – sleeping and waking

June 3rd, 2009 by cathy

You’d think that by the pictures all Leila does is sleep. However, according to the book Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Baby? by Barney Saltzberg, all they do is sleep, drink, pee, poop and cry. He did forget that they also puke when they try and eat too much and they want to be held constantly. Anyway, looking at these photos, you’d think that Leila sleeps all the time, but you’d be mistaken.

See what I mean?



Jack looks good in front of green…



June 2 – Footsies and more

June 2nd, 2009 by cathy

Jeff hates feet, but oh well. Baby feet are adorable and they’re only little for so long. I was only going to pick two (one of each kid) for each day, but I’ve already decide to nix that idea. I found a couple that I really liked, so there you go.



Here are a couple others that I liked.



June 1 – day one!

June 1st, 2009 by cathy

I have a couple of Jack in the boppy pillow, so I thought I would take some of Leila in the boppy.

Jack is such a clown, I thought this was a perfect one to start with. 🙂

New blog idea…

May 31st, 2009 by cathy

So you know me. Big ideas that end up in what Jack calls, “butt burps”. As I was looking at Leila a couple of days ago, I realized that she’s already changing. Soon her little baby fur will disappear. Her squishy, or as one of my librarian friends says “Mr. Magoo face” face will disappear. Then I took a look at Jack and realized, he’s HUGE! How did the time fly by? I also realized that I have a perfectly good SLR that I don’t use, and why not try and put it to use?
Therefor my blog will be generally a photo blog now. I may occasionally post interesting tidbits, but mostly it’ll be photos of my adorable kids. It’ll only take a couple minutes a day and then when my kids are all growed up, they can’t say that I didn’t do anything for them when they were little.
I hope that I can keep this up… I think it’ll be fun and I think that when my kids are older, they might appreciate it.
Wish me luck!

Sensation #4

April 13th, 2009 by cathy

Resting a hand on your belly as your baby moves around inside you and wondering what kind of person she’ll be. Knowing that you’ll be there for her no matter what. Wishing that you could see her now, but knowing that the time will be soon.
Thinking about the first time her little baby hand grabs onto your finger, or the first time she really smiles at you, or the first time she says mommy and really means it.
Also part of that sensation with a little one moving around as much as she does in there is the sensation of having to pee every 15 minutes and being unable to get comfortable no matter what you do. Not so much fun then, but I guess I’ll deal with it. 🙂

life will be changing soon for us, yet again

April 13th, 2009 by cathy

FHEW! I thought this message had been deleted. Luckily it was not so.

In a little less than a month life will be changing drastically, and hopefully for the better for all of us. Its so amazing all these things that you plan on doing, all the things you plan on accomplishing and then suddenly months have gone by and you wonder where they went… well I guess I know where they went. They went into a new job, helping plan a state-wide conference, being pregnant, getting stuck in the Facebook monstrosity and having a four-year-old that, for some reason, wants to spend time with and do things with mommy. Jeepers.

The whole pregnancy has been going really well. Even less trouble than I had with Jack. No swelling, no low fluid levels, she’s very active, healthy heart (we had a special heart ultrasound done due to family issues) and the twenty week ultrasound didn’t show anything that we should be scared of… Its been a pretty awesome pregnancy. I’ve been tired, having to pee a lot and wake up a lot at night, but that’s to be expected. Its fascinating watching her move around in there, and while that’s one of the more annoying things this pregnancy, I’m also going to miss it. Its so amazing to think that there’s this living thing growing inside me and moving around to get comfortable… without any luck I’m guessing because she moves ALL THE TIME.

Its been so hard though because while on the one hand, this pregnancy has been going really well, on the other hand, after two miscarriages I just want to be done and holding a healthy baby girl. I can’t bear to have something be wrong. I can’t imagine how women do it. Miscarriage after miscarriage. Seeing other women who are pregnant or have little healthy babies. Its so agonizing.

I’ve been lucky though. In my new job the women are so wonderful and they always seem to have an eye on me, making sure that I’m okay. That really means the world to me, because I was so afraid to leave my previous job for exactly that reason. I worked in a job that was so much more. It was also a family where they looked out for each other. Luckily, I have that here too.

Unfortunately, I have to work up until the contractions. I only have 24 days of vacation I can use, so I need to make them all count. Its a pain, but its so worth it. I want to be able to spend as much time as I can with her the first few weeks. They change and grow so much that all the beautiful little baby stuff disappears quickly… not that I don’t love the four year old boy stuff too.

That’s going to be another big thing to get used to too. Jack is getting so independent. He’s quite articulate, he’s potty trained, he sleeps through the night, he can play by himself. She’s going to be so dependent on us. Its going to be like starting from scratch.

Uh oh. So much for Jack sleeping through the night. He just woke up. Time to go and cuddle my little guy.