Look who I look like (poor me)

August 28th, 2006 by cathy

Upon reading Patty’s blog (director of the lovely Ogden Library), I knew that I had to try this to see what celebrities I look like. I thought I might look like some beautiful popular famous woman, but NOoooo. Instead, I look like:

1) a German politican who is a member of the Free Democratic Party (Hans-Dietrich Genscher)

2) an Italian American comedian who hasn’t been in very many good movies.. well a couple like Mars Attacks and L.A. Confidential (Danny DeVito)

3) a beautiful Italian actress… okay that’s pretty cool, but I don’t look like a YOUNG version of her (Sophia Loren)

4) a member of Knesset and chairman of the Meretz-Yachad party in Isreal (Yossi Beilin)

5) an Israeli superstar (model and actress) okay this is very cool and she’s young to boot (Yael Bar Zohar)

6) a Dutch chess player (Max Euwe)

7) a Hungrarian mathematician (Kurt Godel)

8) an American actor… Luke Skywalker! (Mark Hamill)

I also look like Donald Rumsfeld, but since I don’t agree with the war in Iraq, I didn’t think it would be good to associate my face with that of the Secretary of Defense. Plus its not as much fun as saying you look like Luke Skywalker!

I was disappointed that I didn’t look like more women and that a lot of the men I looked like had big flappy cheeks, but at least some of them were pretty neat. I really suggest you do it too, so that you can share my pain, or make me jealous! Plus its free! Weee!

Toad the Wet Sprocket

August 26th, 2006 by cathy

Why did I think they had broken up? Toad the Wet Sprocket may be (I can hear all of you making rude noises but I shall ignore you) my all time favorite band. It maybe that I thought they had broken up, because although they have been together since the late 80’s, early 90’s, they have only put out a couple of cds, one of which was a live show and one which was a retrospective, which I don’t think should count.

Bread and Circus (1988)
Pale (1990)
Fear (1991)
Dulcinea (1994)
In Light Syrup (1996)
Coil (1997)

Since they hadn’t really put anything out in almost ten years, I was positive that they were no more. Then I popped in one of their cds and decided to see if they had a website. Sure enough, they’re still around, but they really haven’t put out much since the late 90’s, except for the two cds that I don’t count.

You don’t really hear much about them, which is what I really like. They aren’t having illegitimate children (as far as I know) getting drunk and running over people. This is what I like. Unfortunately, being nice and having nice melodic music is not what sells. Debauchery sells. Being nice and honest gets you a happy wife and a quick ticket to the poor house.

Check their website out, you can listen to their music right on the site. If you don’t like them, oh well, I knew I didn’t like you much anyway. If you DO like them, I love you and can’t wait to kiss your feet.

I am now a reviewer! Yippee!

August 24th, 2006 by cathy

Somehow the Art Director from Gemstone Comics happened upon my blog of graphic novel reviews. Then he emailed me and asked me to be an official reviewer! Unfortunately, no money will pass hands, but at least I get free comic books! Plus they’re all Disney comics, so Jeff will love them too! He and I share different views on the merits of manga, so he never reads them, but enjoys scoffing when I read them.

I actually applied to be a reviewer for Tokyopop manga, but I don’t think I had enough experience (or writing skills) for them. Oh well, I guess its all about babysteps.

Maybe someday I could be a full-time reviewer and have time to actually write books, which is my dream someday (the writing part)… yeah right. I love being a librarian too much, who am I kidding.

At least I get to read cute Scrooge McDuck comics now. Reviews will definately be posted!

Jack is sick :(

August 20th, 2006 by cathy

Jack is sick, and I feel helpless. He coughs this terrible hacking cough and he’s much quieter than normal. At night I can hear him tossing in his sleep and then HACK HACK HACK he coughs. I don’t know what to do, and all I really want to do is cuddle him and make him all better. I haven’t decided if I should stay home to cuddle with him all day, or if I should just let my mom do it. I know that she’d be fine, since I’m sure that she cuddled me to make me better when I was little, but I’d rather it was me that was doing the cuddling. Oh well.

BTW, I knew that he was really sick when he didn’t really want to eat anything… well except blueberry cobbler, cookies, animal crackers and m&ms… hmm I wonder if he’s just playing with us.

Double BTW. Jack is getting really good at making the sign for more, and he uses it quite often. I think I have a really hungry baby. I’ll pretend its because he’s so tall.


August 17th, 2006 by cathy

I’ve always liked these Bancroft girls. They are so completely different. Really, you meet them and you really can’t believe that they are sisters, but they are and they are both really wonderful. I’m always sad when everyday life takes over and we can’t spend much time together.

I finally found a way to trap Clorinda into my snares. I showed her the felted bag that I made (yes I still need to post pictures) and she really wants to make one. Then she started seeing other things that are felted and she especially would like to try making felted beads. I’ve always wanted an excuse to make them, and now I have a double reason to make them, because I love any excuse to hang out with people like Clorinda. She is intelligent and quiet, yet she doesn’t mind talking about silly things too, like Walter the Farting Dog.

Yea felted beads!

David Sedaris

August 16th, 2006 by cathy

I am in the process of listening to a couple of David Sedaris’ books on cd, as read by the author, and I love them! He has a wonderful way with the mundane things of everyday life and making them sound so crazy… although maybe they are crazy and I’m just insane in comparision. Whatever it is, I’m really in love with this guy. Its a shame that he’s gay and I’m married. Needless to say, you should all listen to his books. Really, I suggest NOT reading the books and listening to them instead. I think its a whole different experience, especially since he reads them himself. Just divine!

Comic books

August 11th, 2006 by cathy

I finally had some time to read some new comic books! I read Grey Horses, Bumperboy loses His Marbles, The One I Love, Tarot Cafe, Salamander Dream, and the first volume of The Walking Dead. I loved Grey Horses and Salamander Dream. They were so sweet and refreshing, plus the author, Hope Larson, went to school at Rochester Institute of Technology! Her illustrations are quirky and flowy, which is very different from the manga or the super hero art. I must say that I’m glad people are expanding the subject matter of comic books. It makes it a lot more accessible to a wider variety of people. Good examples are Fashion Kitty and Baby Mouse. Pink illustrations, need I say more?

On the other hand, I’m reading the Walking Dead. Talk about your gore fest! I mean I understand that its zombies, but this is way violent, which helped in the decision to put older teen stickers on them. This is not to say that they aren’t good. They are really good. The author decided to go the more philosophical zombie route, a la George A. Romero. I think this was an excellent decision because its kept my attention a lot longer than a plain old slasher type zombie comic would.

I will keep you posted on how wonderful the Walking Dead series is, however I think I may continue to like it, if the first one and a half books are any proof.

NYS Fair

August 11th, 2006 by cathy

My family is too simple. We are all getting really excited about going to the state fair in Syracuse, well except Jeff, since he doesn’t do fairs. My mom is super excited and my dad can’t wait to show Jack the pigs and goats. My sister Jenny hasn’t shown too much enthusiasm yet, but I think that its partly because it pales in comparison to Disney World, which is where we are all going to in January. I guess I can understand. i agree, although I think its fun to
experience new things with Jack. I think that if it was just my sister, my parents and I, that it would be okay, but by adding Jack, just makes it more special. I can’t wait to show him all the sculptures made out of cheese. Weee!

School Visits

August 9th, 2006 by cathy

My boss, wonderful lady that she is, keeps telling me that I should do school visits. I have absolutely know idea what to do at one. I know that I might want to read a book to the younger kids and for everyone tell them who I am and let them know what wonderful books and programs we have. I think I’m supposed to do some book talking and then let everyone ask me questions like, “Did it hurt to get your nose pierced?” and “How many piercings do you have?” and “Why don’t you look like a librarian?” and “Why did you just read a book about a farting pig to a group of juniors in high school?”

As you can see I have no idea on how to go about this, so tips and hints are greatly appreciated. All I know is I am definately wearing my booger pin at all school visits!

Fall programming

August 8th, 2006 by cathy

I’ve been having problems with story times. For some reason, no one’s been coming. I don’t think I’m awful. I know I’m not the best, but I don’t think that’s a reason for no one to show up. I try my darndest! Maybe I should have a pro come in and critique my story time to give me tips.

Anyway, I do all this preparation to get a theme together, find coloring pages, create finger people, get myself all worked up and then… only five people will show up! Last spring I did two 3 – 5 year old story times and two 1 – 2 year old story times. Only one kid showed up to one of the 3 – 5 year old story times and I think I basically cancelled one of the 1 – 2 year old ones. Then people get mad because I don’t have enough story times! What can I do? I’m only one person doing the work of two (or sometimes 3 – 4) people! I love my job, but I can never seem to make people happy. I even put out surveys and put them on the kids blog, but even then only five people have filled them out, even though they’re only four questions long, and its just a check the box kind of survey. Jeeze!
This fall I decided to cut one of the 1 – 2 year old story times and I made one of the 3 – 5 year old ones an evening drop in story time. I guess we’ll just see how many kids show up.

I’ve added new programs and made some existing programs available to more age groups. We now have a drawing group and a permanant yugioh group. I hope that if I do a lot of regular programs instead of merely special programs that the kids will know to be at the library at a certain time and I can get to know more of the kids. We shall see.