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Three months

Monday, July 11th, 2005

He’s a little over three months now (June 30 he turned 3 mths), and he eats and eats and eats. I decided yesterday that I had to give up nursing. I was starting to really enjoy the bonding experience and think I’m really going to miss it, but I don’t think I was producing enough milk. If you know me, and know that my chest is quite large, it seems strange, but I just can’t keep up with him! Maybe larger chested women = not good milkers. I talked to a lot of smaller chested woman and they have no problems, in fact milk just seems to squirt on command (and even not on command). It really seems ass backwards, but there you go. Sometimes the world is ass backwards.
Take today for example.
4:30 PM – My mom feeds him 6 oz.
6:45 PM – I feed him 6 oz
8:45 PM – He starts screaming yet again and Jeff feeds him another 6 oz.

This baby of mine is going to be huge! My mom told me that I should give him some formula and mix in a little rice cereal. I thought okay, that sounds good, but you wouldn’t believe how many debates this spurred. Now I have to call the doctor to make sure she thinks this is okay. I just want my baby to stop screaming because he’s hungry all the time!

I am also grateful for the baby sling that I have. I can carry him around without my back giving out and I can feed him while I walk. This is definately a most wonderful invention. While at the Ren Fest in Sterling on Sunday, I spoke to a woman named Amy from Webster and she makes the slings, so I might have her make me another. Yippee! I could always make my own, but that would require me to learn how to sew, so we’ll see.

BTW – He is ADORABLE! I need to post more pictures in the gallery.

Weeding Hell!

Monday, July 11th, 2005

I spent most of the day weeding the childrens non-fiction. MY GAWD! It was horrendous. I found books from the 1930s and 1940s. The books felt icky to the touch, they had terrible pictures and covers, and some were just falling apart. I decided that I would run through the collection quickly and go by condition and looks alone, but this is turning into a bigger pain than I thought it would be. I have a whole cart of books to delete, and I’ve only been through a tiny section. I kept thinking these poor kids. I wouldn’t want to check one of these books out if I was a kid. As a parent, I’d be afraid of diseases or other terrible things.
By the time I left work, my eyes felt dry, my teeth were gritty and my hands had a gray film on them. YUCK! These poor kids. They deserve better. My opinion is smaller collection of nice stuff rather than a library full of junk. We do have some really great books, but you can’t really see them for all the terrible ones surrounding them.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll find lost texts from the bible! Wish me luck!

I have a problem…

Monday, July 11th, 2005

I think that I need to go to purses anonymous. I already have about 20 purses, but I’m not happy. I need more purses. I tell myself (and others) that I won’t ever buy another purse, but then I see another cute purse or bag and I get hooked. Right now, its a little bookbag at Target and a tote (that looks like it has purple olives on it) at Old Navy… but neither are online, so I can’t show you :*( Argh!
I wish that there were others that could feel my plight! On Sunday, I went to Target with my husband because I wanted a pair of flip flops, and as we walked passed the purses, I saw the cute little bookbag, and I knew it had to be mine. Of course I only just glimpsed it out of the corner of my eye. If my husband saw me looking at the purse, his head might start spinning around like the demon child from the Exorcist. Why does Target do this to me? The purses are right there just as I walk in. I have to look. I can’t help it. The purses call to me, like some sort of call of the wild, except
its purses, so I must be crazy.
I think I should write a screen play about purse addiction. There must be others out there, otherwise purses would be put in the back some place and I would have to hunt for them. Maybe then I would see them all the time and I wouldn’ t have to imagine how much purses delight me.
I wonder sometimes, what the hell is the reason for the purse addiction? Is it because I want to be more organized? Is it due to not being spoiled as a child? Maybe its to make up for the fact that I can’t fit into small stylish clothes, so I compensate for finding cute purses… except now that I think about it, I buy tom-boyish bags, that aren’t small and danty at all.
I thought that motherhood would cure me of this crazy addiction, but it hasn’t slowed down at all. I thought, hey! Now that I need to take care of this small little guy, I won’t want anything for myself anymore. Hah! That’s a bunch of rubbish.
Maybe I should have a photo gallery of all my purses and I can focus on a different one each week… that would be interesting.
Hey, I need help! Email me if you share my delusions or want to make fun of me.

I have a problem…

Monday, July 11th, 2005

I think that I need to go to purses anonymous. I already have about 20 purses, but I’m not happy. I need more purses. I tell myself (and others) that I won’t ever buy another purse, but then I see another cute purse or bag and I get hooked. Right now, its a little bookbag at Target and a tote (that looks like it has purple olives on it) at Old Navy… but neither are online, so I can’t show you :*( Argh!
I wish that there were others that could feel my plight! On Sunday, I went to Target with my husband because I wanted a pair of flip flops, and as we walked passed the purses, I saw the cute little bookbag, and I knew it had to be mine. Of course I only just glimpsed it out of the corner of my eye. If my husband saw me looking at the purse, his head might start spinning around like the demon child from the Exorcist. Why does Target do this to me? The purses are right there just as I walk in. I have to look. I can’t help it. The purses call to me, like some sort of call of the wild, except
its purses, so I must be crazy.
I think I should write a screen play about purse addiction. There must be others out there, otherwise purses would be put in the back some place and I would have to hunt for them. Maybe then I would see them all the time and I wouldn’ t have to imagine how much purses delight me.
I wonder sometimes, what the hell is the reason for the purse addiction? Is it because I want to be more organized? Is it due to not being spoiled as a child? Maybe its to make up for the fact that I can’t fit into small stylish clothes, so I compensate for finding cute purses… except now that I think about it, I buy tom-boyish bags, that aren’t small and danty at all.
I thought that motherhood would cure me of this crazy addiction, but it hasn’t slowed down at all. I thought, hey! Now that I need to take care of this small little guy, I won’t want anything for myself anymore. Hah! That’s a bunch of rubbish.
Maybe I should have a photo gallery of all my purses and I can focus on a different one each week… that would be interesting.
Hey, I need help! Email me if you share my delusions or want to make fun of me.

More baby stuff…

Wednesday, June 29th, 2005

Its interesting. People surround the baby when they are first born (well, and the mother too, but the mother is mostly ignored), but at some point after the first few weeks, its like the family has been hit by the plague. I love my son and my husband, but it really gets lonely. I don’t know if other new mothers first first felt like this. I feel like a very lonely milking machine.

PBS in trouble

Saturday, June 25th, 2005

PBS was in danger of losing all its funding recently. That would mean no more Sesame Street, Cailou, Nova or This Old House. There would be no more NPR or my local PBS station in Rochester NY, WXXI. I listen to the WXXI radio station as I’m falling asleep every night. I want my son to have nice educational programs to watch, such as Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers, whic I grew up on. He wouldn’t have the radio station, which is the only one in Rochester that plays classical music, to use as background music when he’s dancing around in the living room like my sisters and I did when we were younger. As a kid with both parents working full time, PBS was something we had when we couldn’t go outside or we didn’t want to play inside. People have been saying that PBS is biased and leans to the left, but I don’t really think that Barney, Mr Rogers and Big Bird had some secret agenda. Luckily, through places like the word has gotten out and over a million people added their signatures to a petition to restore funding. Granted, on look at the website and you’ll know that hates our current president and obviously pretty liberal thinking, I don’t think that PBS had that intention.

In closing, it was really freaking hot today! According to the local newspaper it only got up to 92… but I think it was hotter than that.

Oh well, I must be going. My baby is giggling!

PBS in trouble

Saturday, June 25th, 2005

PBS was in danger of losing all its funding recently. That would mean no more Sesame Street, Cailou, Nova or This Old House. There would be no more NPR or my local PBS station in Rochester NY, WXXI. I listen to the WXXI radio station as I’m falling asleep every night. I want my son to have nice educational programs to watch, such as Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers, whic I grew up on. He wouldn’t have the radio station, which is the only one in Rochester that plays classical music, to use as background music when he’s dancing around in the living room like my sisters and I did when we were younger. As a kid with both parents working full time, PBS was something we had when we couldn’t go outside or we didn’t want to play inside. People have been saying that PBS is biased and leans to the left, but I don’t really think that Barney, Mr Rogers and Big Bird had some secret agenda. Luckily, through places like the word has gotten out and over a million people added their signatures to a petition to restore funding. Granted, on look at the website and you’ll know that hates our current president and obviously pretty liberal thinking, I don’t think that PBS had that intention.

In closing, it was really freaking hot today! According to the local newspaper it only got up to 92… but I think it was hotter than that.

Oh well, I must be going. My baby is giggling!


I’m WHAT movie? Jeez…

Thursday, June 23rd, 2005

What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by

Reading Lolita in Tehran

Thursday, June 23rd, 2005

I wanted to read this book when it first came out, but I never had the time. Now however, it seems a very appropriate time to be reading this book. In the current state of our own country, I think we should take heed of what this book is letting us know. Giving up simple freedoms such as whether or not you wear a head scarf, may not really be that simple. Once these so called “little things” are decided for you, other things soon take their place and you are eventually left with no freedoms at all. Hmm, can we say patriot act? The people in this book live quite similar lives to our own in America, but the government starts taking more and more control away from the individuals until they are left with no freedom at all. They can’t do so much as shake hands with people of the opposite sex or read certain books.
I was watching an episode of Penn & Teller’s Bullshit about “Big Brother” and they talked about the USA Patriot Act. This act was apparently the quickest one ever passed, and a lot of Congressmen (& women) didn’t even read it!

This is making me depressed… I need to go look at my son… You should too (but not in any dirty ways, thats gross, and not in the Michael Jackson kind of way, that’s creepy)

Reading Lolita in Tehran

Thursday, June 23rd, 2005
I wanted to read this book when it first came out, but I never had the time. Now however, it seems a very appropriate time to be reading this book. In the current state of our own country, I think we should take heed of what this book is letting us know. Giving up simple freedoms such as whether or not you wear a head scarf, may not really be that simple. Once these so called “little things” are decided for you, other things soon take their place and you are eventually left with no freedoms at all. Hmm, can we say patriot act? The people in this book live quite similar lives to our own in America, but the government starts taking more and more control away from the individuals until they are left with no freedom at all. They can’t do so much as shake hands with people of the opposite sex or read certain books.
I was watching an episode of Penn & Teller’s Bullshit about “Big Brother” and they talked about the USA Patriot Act. This act was apparently the quickest one ever passed, and a lot of Congressmen (& women) didn’t even read it!This is making me depressed… I need to go look at my son… You should too (but not in any dirty ways, thats gross, and not in the Michael Jackson kind of way, that’s creepy)
