Three months
Monday, July 11th, 2005He’s a little over three months now (June 30 he turned 3 mths), and he eats and eats and eats. I decided yesterday that I had to give up nursing. I was starting to really enjoy the bonding experience and think I’m really going to miss it, but I don’t think I was producing enough milk. If you know me, and know that my chest is quite large, it seems strange, but I just can’t keep up with him! Maybe larger chested women = not good milkers. I talked to a lot of smaller chested woman and they have no problems, in fact milk just seems to squirt on command (and even not on command). It really seems ass backwards, but there you go. Sometimes the world is ass backwards.
Take today for example.
4:30 PM – My mom feeds him 6 oz.
6:45 PM – I feed him 6 oz
8:45 PM – He starts screaming yet again and Jeff feeds him another 6 oz.
This baby of mine is going to be huge! My mom told me that I should give him some formula and mix in a little rice cereal. I thought okay, that sounds good, but you wouldn’t believe how many debates this spurred. Now I have to call the doctor to make sure she thinks this is okay. I just want my baby to stop screaming because he’s hungry all the time!
I am also grateful for the baby sling that I have. I can carry him around without my back giving out and I can feed him while I walk. This is definately a most wonderful invention. While at the Ren Fest in Sterling on Sunday, I spoke to a woman named Amy from Webster and she makes the slings, so I might have her make me another. Yippee! I could always make my own, but that would require me to learn how to sew, so we’ll see.
BTW – He is ADORABLE! I need to post more pictures in the gallery.