Anime Anime Anime
So Tuesday I had my Anime discussion group. Boy talk about weird times. There were six people at the meeting (not including myself), which I was quite happy with, considering that I didn’t expect anyone. There were two boys that I think may have been in sixth grade. Their sisters: one in eighth grade and one in ninth grade. A boy who I think was a junior in high school but he could have been a very dirty thirty-year-old. And a girl in college who was probably a freshman. Pretty interesting. They didn’t stop talking once, which was wonderful for me because my knowledge of anime was exhausted in five minutes. They even said that they wanted to meet more than once a month! (I was impressed, but I’m already burnt out at month nine, so I changed the subject pretty quickly). Overall I was very pleased, however I have to find a way to make it last more than a couple months.
On a cheery note. The weather in upstate New York has been dismal. The temperature has been below zero and the snow has been blowing all over the road making conditions pretty horrid. Unfortunately its not bad enough to close the library, but I was able to cancel the story time for 6 – 7 year olds, with the scary child in it! One week free of scary boy! One disappointing side effect is my fingers and toes feel like they were going to fall off. Oh well we can’t have everything.
My boss decided at the spur of the moment to check out the library’s policy on maternity leave. After one year, I can get 12 weeks unpaid leave. So she gave me her blessing to be fruitful and multiple! I’m not happy about the unpaid part, but I can’t expect everything. She just said that before I give birth I need to make sure that I have someone to cover story time because she won’t do it. I guess I can handle that. 🙂