blogs blogs blogs
I can’t remember if I’ve said this before, but I’m giving a presentation (with a couple of other children’s librarians) on technology next Wednesday. Therefor I’ve spent ALL my free time checking out blogs and article, as well as trying to create yet another blog Librarians Rock the World and a bookmark list from Spurl. Plus I’ve recently added some reviews to my book review blog (one of which I lost that was about the book A Great and Terrible Beauty when I accidentally closed the window I was working on. Damn.) Needless to say, when I get home, the last thing I want to do is get back on the Internet and type in yet another blog. But here I am.
I’ve been listening to oodles of books (which I posted on my other blog) and I’ve been pretty pleased with my choices. I have stacks and stacks of books in my bedroom, just waiting for me to read…. as a matter of fact I think I’ll post what I have out on my card!
February 12th, 2007 at 12:49 pm
Hey Cathy–Sully has a blog… inspired by you and the famous Ms A. Not updated very regularly but it’s there. Wish I could be there on Wednesday, something I really wanted to come to but Hannah has a doctor’s appt that can’t be re-scheduled. Take lots of good notes and send me info. Love Jack’s pictures.
February 12th, 2007 at 11:09 pm
Well it just so happens that I have this blog 🙂 and between that and the wiki you should get all the information you need. I’ll miss having you there, but kids’ doctor’s appointments always take priority over everything else. BTW, I love the Jack pictures too!