Presentation on Graphic Novels for those librarians

April 4th, 2006 by cathy

Next Wednesday I have to give a presentation on graphic novels with another librarian, Jason. I have put so much time into this that I really haven’t done much else, but honestly, I have no idea what I’m going to talk about. I am so exhausted. I wanted to edit the style of the blog a little, but I haven’t the foggiest idea on how to do that. I’ve moved everything over to a better looking blog “theme” as they call it, but I have so many links, it takes forever to actually get to all the categories so that you can select which reviews you want to look at… In reality I guess its pretty similar to this theme. Oh well. I guess that’s the last thing I need to worry about. What I really should be thinking about is that

1) I have a presentation to give next Wednesday in front of tons of librarians
2) I have a great (I think) blog full of information, but I don’t have the foggiest idea of what I’m going to talk about.
Jeeze. Plus I’ve heard that Jason doesn’t feel very confident about the whole thing either. This should be very interesting. I would stay tuned if I were you.

2 Responses to “Presentation on Graphic Novels for those librarians”

  1. tangognatt Says:

    I vote for talking about manga whenever possible 🙂

  2. Adrienne Says:

    I can report that Jason was all fired up about the presentation yesterday and was working, working, working. And, goodness knows, he always has something to say…. 🙂

    I’m really looking forward to your presentation!